november 26, 2024

After a down period during the pandemic, #popscope events are ramping back up, all with the aim to turn meetings on street corners into moments of community connection.

University Affairs / Engaging the Public in Sidewalk Astronomy



APRIL 2024

#popscope served as a partner during Massachusetts Space Week, an initiative aiming to make space science accessible to all through an annual, week-long celebration seeking to bridge the gap between academia and the broader community, and to foster a shared enthusiasm for space science.

The Space Week Consortium / Massachusetts Space Week 2024




These local astronomy experts…shared their best tips for budding astronomers to get the most out of stargazing near Philadelphia.

The Philadelphia Inquirer / A Beginner’s Guide to Stargazing Near Philadelphia



September 2022

  Malden Reads, in collaboration with Ward 4 Councillor Ryan O’Malley, presented Ode to the Stars, a fifth annual event

Malden Advocate / ‘Ode to the Stars’ pointed people to Jupiter, Saturn and double stars through a telescopic lens

Malden Advocate Logo


JUNE 2021

an urban movement that aims to reconnect diverse communities to the night sky and to each other by hosting free, “pop-up” astronomy nights in public spaces

The Freitas Effect / astronoME: a collaboration with #popscope featuring Dr. Mubdi Rahman




we keep hearing that people are taking up amateur star-gazing during this pandemic.

CBC / How to See the 'Great Conjunction' of Planets



september 2020

In the spirit of astronomy, I am glad we can come together looking up together…or looking at our computer screens.

The Dunlap Institute / Planet Party 2020



september 2020

Who controls space? Who sets the rules for its use? And who regulates a corporation’s activities when it’s blasting off to the moon, anyway??

The Walrus / The Wild Wild West of Space Law



september 2020

Who stops outer space from becoming the new Wild West?

The Big Story / Will Outer Space Become the New Wild West?



september 2018

Join the grass-roots #popscope movement to bring stargazing to metropolitan areas all over the world.

Astronomy Magazine / Big City Scopes



december 2017

By hosting #popscope events in public venues, we hope to create a supportive environment for those who do not ordinarily have access to such resources or interactions.

Huffington Post / Under the Stars, We Are Equal



december 2017

Scientists from Johns Hopkins and kids from Sandtown share a moment, with the help of volunteer amateur astronomers.

Baltimore Brew / In Baltimore, Celestial Bodies - and People - Align for Eclipse




This has all of the United States looking up together in unison. And I think to me, that’s a powerful experience…

National Public Radio (WYPR 88.1 FM) / Total Solar Eclipse — What’s the Big Deal?



summer 2017

Regardless of who you are or where you're from, the mysteries of the universe have the power to make us ask big questions and see from a different perspective once in a while. All we have to do is look up.

John Hopkins Magazine / A Different Lens



may 2017

The group, called #popscope, is a public astronomy project run by volunteers who take science to the streets to get the community and youth involved.

Astronomy Magazine / Sidewalk Astronomy Club Leader is Heading to Chile



march 2017

Tonight’s event is an opportunity to learn about astronomy and see the universe beyond our own neighborhood.

Letters from the Mayor (Baltimore) / #Popscope’s Public Astronomy Night




I have never seen the moon that close!

Enoch Pratt Free Library / Popping Up With Popscope



december 2016

Our sessions with #popscope also highlight how important it is to make astronomy accessible and keep fueling our childhood interests.

Boston Children’s Museum / Seeing Stars on the Waterfront



december 2016

#popscope facilitates positive community encounters by bringing local residents together to marvel at the night sky on street corners and in public parks.

Medium / Using Urban Astronomy to Start Community Conversations



MAY 2016

Folks walking by might stop with the intention of a quick peek through a telescope but end up staying much longer.

Canada Broadcasting Company / #Popscope's Amateur Astronomers Stargaze Across Ottawa



april 2016

Run on all-volunteer basis, #popscope’s ultimate vision is to “empower people within their own community to take on a telescope and do it on their own.” Baltimore / These 3 JHU Social Innovation Lab Projects are Empowering Communities



april 2016

…the group maintains an accessible, inclusive, and fun shared culture that challenges the ways in which people connect with and learn from each other.

Celestron / One Neighborhood at a Time: Celestron and #Popscope Announce New Partnership for Community Astronomy



february 2016

Baltimore is one of five cities where a group of stargazing enthusiasts has set up informal chapters of Popscope, aiming to share astronomy and science with people who might not otherwise be exposed to it.

Baltimore Sun / Baltimore Popscope Looks to Unite City Through Public Astronomy



february 2016

For us it’s more about connecting people in the city to the sky.

Apartment 613 on CHUO 89.1 FM / Apartment 613 Live for January 26, 2016



january 2016

#Popscope is a growing community, which tries to give as many people as possible access to a telescope, in an inclusive and positive way.

La Rotonde / #Popscope Ou Le Partage Des Étoiles



November 2015

#popscope provides free public astronomy nights for Baltimore’s many neighborhoods to promote community-building through science outreach in public spaces.

The Peabody Institute of the John Hopkins University / #popscope Selected by John Hopkins Technology Ventures Social Innovation Lab



November 2015

Providing free public astronomy nights for Baltimore’s many neighborhoods to promote community-building through science outreach in public spaces. Baltimore / 10 Projects Picked for JHU’s Social Innovation Lab



october 2015

Its members hope that by sharing their enthusiasm—even just by encouraging people to look through a telescope for the first time—they can increase scientific literacy in Philadelphia and beyond.

Penn Today / Wavelength Helps Penn Students Take Their Love of Science Out of This World



september 2015

We can certainly explain what’s going on up there if anyone is wondering and it’s also sort of fun community to be connected to

CTV News Ottawa / Blood Moon Tonight
